Monday, April 4, 2016

Class of 2016 Senior Information-April 4!

From the Senior Meeting today...

Everything you needed to know about Graduation, before and after

Important Dates and Places:

May 1st:
Sports Banquet at 3, Riverside High School

May 6th – May 11th:
Senior Exams. Check with your teachers on specifics.
Turn in your I-Pad and charger to your English teacher. (If you don’t have an English teacher, turn into Mrs. Kinningham in B24)
Kanawha County Schools will not allow you to participate in graduation without you turning in your I-Pad or paying any fees for broken or lost I-pads.

May 12th: Senior grades due to counselors from teachers. 

May 12th: Baccalaureate at 7:00 PM, in the auditorium
Seniors need to arrive by 6:30 and they will meet in the gym for line-up.
Wear your gown (no cap)
Attendance is voluntary

May 13th: Senior Awards Assembly at 8:00am in the auditorium
Seniors participating need to be at school by 7:15 in their cap and gown. Students will meet and line up in the main gym.

May 19th: Graduation Practice at the Civic Center
This is MANDATORY!! You MUST report to the Charleston Civic Center at 12:00pm. You will enter to the main floor to your right as you enter the Civic Center. Visitors/guests will not be able to enter onto the floor. 

May 19th:  GRADUATION DAY!!!! Charleston Civic Center at 7pm
You MUST be at the Civic Center and be in your seat no later than 6pm. 

May 19th: Project Graduation! See separate handout.

What should I wear?
Senior Awards Ceremony - Wear your cap and gown
Baccalaureate - Wear your gown
Graduation: Ladies: dress or skirt and dress shoes – if you wear high heels they should NOT be so high that you will have trouble walking in them! No markings on your cap or gown!

Gentlemen: slacks or dress pants and dress shoes – no jeans!. No markings on your cap or gown!
**Graduation is a Formal Event that you have worked toward for 13 years! Take it seriously. Look your best and be on your BEST behavior**
How should I behave?
As mentioned above, these are formal events that are all about you!! We will recognize and honor all of your success and accomplishments over the past 4 years. This is also the time to celebrate one another. You honor each other by being respectful of one another and the speakers and presenters at both events. Clapping when appropriate, cheering when appropriate, and being respectful and quiet when appropriate!!
Be on time!!! Be on time!! Be on time!!!

What should I Bring?
Senior Awards & Graduation - Bring your cap and gown and your tassel only!! NO CELL PHONES, NO PURSES, NO BAGS, NO NOISE MAKERS, NO SILLY STRING.

What makes me eligible to participate in Commencement?

What do I need - 

1. You must have completed ALL 25 credits required to graduate prior to the ceremony. NO EXCEPTIONS!

2. You must have taken care of all financial obligations to the school and turned in your Ipad and charger.

3. No MAJOR discipline issues from now until graduation! Please review the student handbook for level 3 & 4 infractions. This includes PRANKS!

I’m still working on Credit Recovery-How late can I finish and still walk at graduation and where can I work on credit recovery after the 12th?
Credit Recovery MUST be completed and turned into your counselor by the end of the school day on May 18th. Mr. Crisco will be available in the A10 computer lab to assist you in completing your online credit recovery all day, every day. Continue to come to school everyday until it is done… just stay in A10 the whole time.

Before I leave RHS for the last time: 
1. Complete the transcript request form in the counselor's office, and return it with an envelope addressed to the college/university of your choice.

2. Make sure your contact information is correct at the school.

Always Be A Student

Keep on learning Warriors
Though your high school years are done;
Your whole life's an education
That has only just begun.

Your diploma is the first big step,
For knowledge is the special key
To winning what you want in life
And being who you want to be.
If you'll always be a student,

You'll find the secrets to success
And travel on the golden road
To peace and happiness.