Tuesday, April 14, 2020

From our partners at Riverside Health Center April 14, 2020

Riverside Health Center                                                
1 Warrior Way, Suite 103
Belle, WV 25015 

Healthcare Options:
Due to state-wide school closing to help slow down the COVID-19, the normal method of accessing the clinic while you are at school has been disrupted. We are currently able to offer some medical and/or behavioral health counseling services via telephone or video appointment (i.e., the app “Zoom,” which can be downloaded on any smart device). Please call Riverside Health Center at 304-949-3591 (open 8am-4pm, M-F) for more information on how to access these services. For accurate information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC’s website at https://www.cdc.gov/

Protecting children:
The CDC recommends the following to help protect children from getting sick:
  • Clean hands often using soap and warm water or alcohol-based sanitizer
  • Avoid people who are sick (e.g., coughing and sneezing)
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily (e.g., tables, chairs, doorknobs, light switches, remotes, handles, desks, toilets, sinks)
  • Wash items including washable toys, as appropriate, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If possible, wash items using the warmest appropriate water settings for the items and dry items completely. Dirty laundry from an ill person can be washed with other people’s items
10 Tips for parents and children:
The following recommendations are supported by the CDC to ensure that parents and children remain safe and healthy during the current pandemic (Note: while the term “children” is often used in the recommendations below, these tips also apply to adults).

  1. Limit social interactions: The key to slowing the spread of COVID-19 is to limit contact as much as possible. While school is out, children should not have contact with other children from other homes. If children are playing outside their own home, it is essential that they remain 6 feet from anyone who is not in their own household.
  2. Practice social distancing: Avoid large and small gatherings in private places and public spaces, such as a friend’s house, parks, restaurants, shops, or any other place.
  3.           Clean hands often: Make sure children practice everyday preventative behaviors, such as washing their hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. This is especially important if you have been in a public place. Go to https://www.cdc.gov/ for additional recommendations on how to protect yourself.
    4.      Limit travel plans to essential travel only.
    5.      Stay in touch with your child’s school
    a.       Review assignments from the school and help your child establish a reasonable pace for completing the work
    b.       Let the school know if there are any challenges
    6.      Create a schedule & routine for learning at home
    a.       Encourage healthy sleep habits. See https://www.sleepfoundation.org/ for more information.
    b.       Structure the day for learning, free time, healthy meals and snacks, and physical activity. Examples of a daily schedule for children can be found online.
    c.       Consider ways to make learning fun and engaging (e.g., hands-on activities).
    7.       Check-in with your school on plans to continue meal services during the school closure.
    8.       Watch your child for signs of illness or stress
    a.       Call your child’s healthcare provider if you see signs of illness consistent with COVID-19 symptoms, particularly fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
    b.       Call the behavioral health provider at Riverside Health Center if you have concerns about your child’s mood or behavior.
    9.       Stay active and socially connected
    a.       Encourage your child to play outside. Consider activities your family can do together such as a family walk, bike ride, or dance contest.
    b.       Reach out to friends/family via phone or video-chats.
    c.       Check-in with your child.
    10.   Limit time with older adults, relatives, and people with serious underlying medical conditions due to their increased risk of getting sick from COVID-19.

Stay safe and healthy #Warriors! 
