Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 19, 2020 Update


Warrior Nation, 

The administration and staff hope that, first and foremost, you are safe and have all that you need in this trying time.  Our first priority is the safety and well-being of our students and our staff.  If you and your family need anything, please know that we are here to help you.

As we continue these unsettling times, I want to make sure that you have the information you need.  However, please understand that the procedures are changing often.  We must be flexible.  We appreciate your patience and trust of our staff to help in this transition period of online learning.

Please follow the advice of the health officials so that all of Warrior Nation stays safe!  The latest advice from the CDC is to avoid gathering in groups of more than 10.  Continue to practice the rule of 6-foot separation when you talk with others.  Wash your hands often!  Cough into your elbow.  


  • All school activities are canceled until further notice. 
  • If you need to pick up an iPad, assignment, etc, you must call the school for an appointment.  If you come to the school, report directly to the main office.  
  • The buses are bringing bag lunches and breakfasts by the bus routes each day.  The buses will leave schools around 10:30 am.  
  • If a student is in need of an iPad, please call (304) 348-7770 and request to make an appointment with the KCS technology department so that the iPad can be properly deployed at the Board of Education Office on 200 Elizabeth St. Charleston.
  • If a student has an issue with their iPad, they may contact Mr. Longsworth (
  • If you need the Internet at home, companies are offering free access through this time. 
Our teachers are working to transfer the face-to-face instruction to 100% online.  KCS set the expectation that ALL students are to log onto Schoology to complete assignments and communicate with teachers.  If you need access to or have issues with Schoology contact Mr. Loftis ( or Mrs. Kathy Stout, KCS specialist (   

If you are an AP student, continue working as your teacher determines.  You should watch for updates from College Board.  

Seniors: Check out the updates on Schoology regarding scholarships.  If you are in a credit recovery class, keep working!  There will be instructions on how tests will occur.  

Juniors:  The school-day SAT has been canceled by the WV Department of Education.  

Grades-Third nine weeks progress reports are to be accessed on Schoology.  If you cannot access Schoology, email Mr. Loftis.  

We want you to make a schedule to work on your assignments each day.  Take time to exercise, take a walk if possible. Above all, take care of yourself and your family!   

If you need anything, please contact the school. We are here to help any way we can.  

Stay safe and healthy!

RHS Administrative Team

Jane Kennedy,
Steve Loftis,
Beth Musgrave,
Kris Corbett,
