Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020 Update


By now you have seen that the Governor has closed the schools in WV until April 20, 2020.  That means that our remote, online learning will continue.  It also means that the prom has been canceled.  I know that it is one of those activities we look forward to, but we must follow the guidelines to stay safe! As I have said before, this is very unsettling because we have no idea of the ending.  Please stay safe!  We need each and every Warrior!!! 

The school building is closed but learning is not!  If you haven't logged onto Schoology to start your coursework, now is the time.  Parents/Guardians: If you do not have a Schoology account, please call the school or email your child's counselor.  

The buses will bring food for five days on Monday, March 30th.   Thank you to our cooks who have worked tirelessly each day to bring this to you!  Thank you to the bus drivers for the deliveries!!! 

Call the school if you need anything.  We are answering the phones between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.  All staff is working remotely except for a few people during this time.  Leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  

Please take care of yourself!!!   

Stay safe and healthy!

Ms. Kennedy, ext 311
