Wednesday, May 6, 2020

P-EBT: Update Mailing and Phone Information

Parent and Guardians: 
Because Kanawha County qualifies for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) through the USDA, every current KCS family qualifies for this benefit and will receive a P-EBT card automatically. However, we need to make sure that the address you have on file at school is correct. If you believe your information may be incorrect, please fill out the form using the following link: 
An administrator will be reaching out in the coming days to confirm your address on file. 

Additional information and frequently asked questions/answers are available through a link in our COVID-19 website article and also direct on the WV Department of Education’s website: Frequently asked questions include timing of the benefit as well as how to opt-out of the benefit. 
Stay safe and healthy! 
Ms. Kennedy